Our subscriptions make it quick and easy to check the uniqueness and trademark availability of your names, while you are still in the creative stage or when you are down to your favorite few.
Stop wasting time and money on risky names you can easily rule out yourselves. Identify and stake out unique, defensible, and ownable positioning and messaging, and Get Better Names.
Search 15 names/month
An Annual Standard Subscription saves you $258/year
Search unlimited names/month
An Annual Pro Subscription saves you $598/year
Does your name “fit right in” to a category with many similar names, or do you stand out as very different? Which of these naming strategies is in sync with your branding plans? How different do you want to be? If you want to be seriously different, do you have the marketing and communication resources to support something truly new?
Are any identical or similar names owned by big powerful companies? Do these owners have a history of vigorously defending their names, or suing identical or even similar name users? Have the owners of identical or similar names had to “cease and desist” using their names based on such objection.
Is your name or similar names in wide use in some geographies, but not in others? This can be an indication that a name or its word-parts have linguistic or pronunciation issues, or inappropriate or unpleasant associations, in some languages. This can limit your ability to use it worldwide, or at all.
Do you see many names similar or identical to yours, in the trademark classes you are most interested in? See if you can build new unique, more protectable names based on the most interesting of these words or the ideas behind them.
Search a word-part or otherwise incomplete name, such as "Pay-" or "Zen-" or -pro" in your desired trademark classes. What other word-parts, prefixes, suffixes, etc. are combined with these, to make complete names? Can you create new relevant and protectable new names by combining your desired word-part(s) with some of these new elements.
Search an existing name that has meanings or brand associations similar to those you desire for your name. What other names do you see that are similar to this existing name? Can you identify word-parts or naming directions from these examples that help you create unique new names, while retaining these positive meanings or associations?
Search existing names that are identical and similar to yours, and see in which trademark classes they are most prevalent. It may be that your name, or part of your name, is indicative of or references a specific class of goods such as medical devices or chemicals. If these are not your desired associations, it may be wise to explore different naming directions.
Yes, you can pause, downgrade, upgrade or cancel your subscription at any time. Be sure to do this at least a day prior to your normal renewal date, or you will be charged and your change will not take effect until the following month. Note, if you pause, downgrade, or cancel your subscription, you will retain the current month's remaining searches and can use them for the remainder of that month.
Yes, we have put in place an easy method to pause your plan. See how to in our FAQ. Be sure to Pause at least a day before the date your current plan would otherwise renew and be charged.
Our new promotionally-priced non-subscription pack offers let you have full access to 3 or 8
Naming Matters
searches and all the capabilities of our site, for a simple one-time charge. Just click one of the "Purchase" buttons when you hit your search results.
As these non-subscription offers are so limited, they are not refundable. Any unused searches will remain available to you until used up, and do not expire.
Potential subscribers can still go to our Pricing Page and choose a monthly subscription (15 searches/month) on our Standard plan, or unlimited searches on our Pro plan. These plans are even more economic on a per-search basis, and will renew automatically until paused, downgraded, or cancelled, which you can do any time.
For an occasional casual user or someone with just a few names to search or a short-term project, then the Standard plan will likely be your best option. Once you're done you can easily pause your plan until the next time you need us again.
For someone with ongoing name creation and search needs that exceed a metered plan, such as if you are an
, a
, an
, a
new product development person
, a
branding or marketing consultant
, or a
naming consultant
, you will find our Professional subscription most flexible and economic. As with our Standard plan you can pause at any time, if for some reasons you are not involved in any naming in a particular month.
Naming Matters currently offers three different plans.
If you are part of a large team, or would like to discuss our Enterprise solutions, please get in touch to discuss our high volume user/multi-user accounts.
Yes, your subscription will automatically be renewed and charged to you each month at its current level unless you pause, upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan. As we make this so easy to do on-site, we do not offer refunds if you decide later in the month that you had meant to make any of these changes. So be sure to make any changes at least one day prior to your renewal date, which is clearly displayed on the site.
We use Stripe for our payments and can accept payment in 135 currencies. We currently accept credit card payments and are in the process of adding PayPal and ApplePay.
Absolutely. Our system powered by Stripe allows for payment in 135 different currencies. A full list of supported currencies can be viewed here.